This can happen.

I think we must be aware of the problem and recognize if it's momentary and necessary or if it's dragging on for no reason.

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I can't completely relate, but I notice my husband feels like that sometimes and we talk about it. I ask, what if you don't work ONE day a week, what would that look like. He's doing better but the workaholic creeps in from time to time. Thanks for sharing.

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In my experience from when I lived this life, removing one day wouldn't help too much because the workload stayed the same. So I would just squeeze more work into less time.

The journey for me ultimately came down to disentangling my identity from work and achievement. Now, I work four days a week, have a very calm schedule, and nothing about that makes me feel like I'm not enough.

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right there with you

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You're not alone Castle! Getting a lot of replies to this email from people who are there too.

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